The Moon is a satellite in orbit around the Earth. The Moon is actually dark, but appears to light up the night by reflecting the Sun's light! There are 8 moon phases, which change over about 28 days.
It may seem like the Sun and the Moon are the same size, but the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun and 400 times closer to Earth. So it may look like the Sun and Moon are similar in size (like during a solar eclipse).

[34]I will not violate My covenant, Nor will I alter the utterance of My lips. [35]Once I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David. [36]His descendants shall endure forever, And his throne as the sun before Me. [37]It shall be established forever like the MOON, And a witness in the sky is faithful.
- - Psalms 89:34-37 (NASB)